Virtual Reality simulations have resulted in a 70-85% reduction in levels of anxiety, depression, and PTSD, among many other mental disorders that are closely related to Gender-Based Violence.

Virtual Reality (VR) has made an incredible impact in the healthcare industry, particularly in the mental health domain, supporting clients with psychological illnesses such as addiction, phobias, and obsession with the help of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy (ET). Recent studies confirm VR as a certified tool in generating rapid and lasting improvements for mental health patients, it has now shifted gears in creating a more inclusive environment for violent offenders to empathize with abuse and trauma victims.

But such studies have been limited to reducing the levels of aggression and improvement in empathy from the perspective of the abuser. Despite the encouraging success of VR applications for the treatment of varied mental disorders, no study has explored the usability of VR specifically for the victims of gender-based violence (GBV).

VR Catalyst aims to be the first to offer a shifting perspective on how stories of defeat and dishonor are told by transforming the horrific tragedies suffered by the victims of GBV into gaming simulations where they combat the demons of trauma and fear with their innate superpowers of perseverance and resilience.

We reimagine stories that matter.

Using creativity, play, and the self-efficacy model by Albert Bandura, we give back the control to the players whose powers have been taken away and/or silenced, thus proving a successful implementation of the person-centered approach with extraordinarily positive results.

We hope to have you join us in the beta testing of the VR gaming simulations.

Our Services

  • VR Therapy

    Our immersive virtual reality experiences provide a therapeutic environment for survivors to process trauma, build resilience, and promote healing.

  • Skill Building

    We offer skill-building programs such as PMP Prep, etc. that equip survivors with practical tools and resources to enhance their personal and professional development, fostering empowerment and independence.

  • Research & Development

    We conduct research and evaluation to continuously improve our services, ensuring they are evidence-based and effective in meeting the unique needs of survivors.

We are honored to be supported by

Jonelle & Bryce Jordan Scholarship in the Arts